It is hard to fail, but it is
worse never to have tried to succeed.
- Theodore Roosevelt
As usual we've heard the internet rumblings of "this is why it
won't be renewed" or the "it looks good for another season!" We stand by what we
said about not participating in the "rumor-circus" of whether
return for a SEASON 9 or not, but that
doesn't mean we've given up hope. Quite frankly several media outlets never had
faith in any of renewals. Each year we're told that it will be the last for our
beloved show and each year we have proven that OTH still has more story to tell.
Only once have we been told way ahead of time that OTH would have another
season, so every year around this time we put petitions together and we bombard
the network to show our support. We've never been one of those shows over-hyped,
or one with a lot of media coverage, and yet we have solid dedication. Our
ratings are great (better than even some of the "top shows"), our cast is
awesome, OTH is the second longest running show for The CW, and the dedication
of their fan-base doesn't falter.
Many of you feel as though season eight might actually be their last, but we're
not giving up without a fight. We're hoping for another season, another year of
story, and hopefully another chance at getting some of our favorite characters
from seasons past to return.
Every year the cast and crew of the show want another season, and this year is
no different. They want to go into a SEASON 9 as much as we want them to! You
may have recently heard that the show 'officially wants another season', but
they never said they didn't. It would have been getting a bit a head of
ourselves to start petitions too early on, but now that it's March - and sweeps
are underway - we think it's the perfect time for the network to take notice.
NEW episodes of ONE TREE HILL return on April 19, 2011 at 8/7c and that return
marks the first of only a few remaining episodes/weeks that we have to show The
CW that we're uniting, we're pushing, and we're hoping for another season of
'the little show that could'.
As we did last year, we want you all to participate in a few activities to bring
awareness to our support for SEASON 9. Below you'll find a link to a petition
that we'd love for you to sign and pass around to all of your fellow fans and
friends. There's also an address for you to write letters to the network as well
as a number for you to call. Do all that you can! Show your dedication! Tell The
Don't forget that we also have Twitter on our side with the wonderful option and
ability to tweet all day long by including this
#OTHseason9 at the end
of all your tweets. We want to show a UNITED FRONT.
WORD OF ADVICE -- In your messages to The CW, we ask that you act
mature and are as polite as possible when letting them know you want another
season of OTH. No one will take you seriously or respect what we have to ask if
you're rude and disrespectful. We want them to know we're dedicated, not
"annoying". Remember, we are ONE so anything you say reflects on OTH fans in
Send tweets to @CW_network & @RobFlemingCW
Include the hashtag #OTHseason9 in your messages!
If you would like a URL for tweets, use this:
The ONLY way you can send an email to the CW is through the
feedback form on the CW's website
Call the CW comment hot line
(818) 977-6878
ATTN: One Tree Hill Manager
3300 W Olive Ave, 3rd Floor
Burbank, CA 91505
Add a PicBadge to your profile picture, and support Season9!
Post these banners and spread the
word! Link to:
Please save images
to your computer.
is a great site to upload to in order to direct link!
Ideal for
Facebook, Twitter, and Message Board post.

Idea for
Website, Blog, MySpace, and Message Board post.
